Coronavirus will not overcome us, says Queen in first ever Easter message


The Queen has recorded her first ever Easter message, drawing on her own personal faith to reassure the nation: “We know that coronavirus will not overcome us.”

Describing how churches up and down the country are closed due to coronavirus, she insists that “Easter isn’t cancelled” and that the message at the heart of holy week is more relevant than ever due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

She said: “This year, Easter will be different for many of us, but by keeping apart we keep others safe. But Easter isn’t cancelled; indeed, we need Easter as much as ever.

“The discovery of the risen Christ on the first Easter Day gave his followers new hope and fresh purpose, and we can all take heart from this.

“We know that coronavirus will not overcome us. As dark as death can be – particularly for those suffering with grief – light and life are greater. May the living flame of the Easter hope be a steady guide as we face the future.”

Her Majesty recorded the audio broadcast in the White Drawing room at Windsor Castle, the same room where she filmed her historic televised address which was shown last weekend.

It is the first time in her 68-year reign that she has ever recorded a message to mark Holy week.

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