Akwa Ibom governor tasks FRSC on dedication to service

Governor Udom Emmanuel

Governor Udom Emmanuel has called on the Federal Road Safety Corps to uphold their core mandate and not compromise the ordinance to reduce accidents on the highways.

Governor Emmanuel stated this during the inauguration of the New Office Complex RS 6.3, Akwa Ibom State Sector Command at Idoro Road, Uyo.

He lauded the Corps Marshal F.R.S.C, Dr Boboye Oyeyemi, for the initiative to provide an ultra-modern secretariat complex for the command in the state, adding that state government is always ready to partner federal agencies on projects that will better the lives of Akwa Ibom citizens.

Earlier, Oyeyemi said that the secretariat complex is one of the corps corporate strategic goals for the year 2019.

He expressed gratitude to the governor for the allocation of the parcel of land for the building of the edifice, saying the building would add to the aesthetics of the state.

The Corp Marshal called on the people of the state and other stakeholders to cooperate with the Road Safety Corps by adhering to the rules to mitigate the scourge of accidents on the roads and prevent loss of lives

The chairman, Federal Road Safety Commission, Mallam Bukhari Bello, described as a blessing the provision of the secretariat which according to him would improve staff working condition and boost their morale.

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