War-Torn Ukraine Donates 25,000 Tons of Food to Tackle Food Crisis in North-East Nigeria


In a critical move to combat the escalating in northeast Nigeria, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) revealed on Thursday that the Government of Ukraine has generously donated 25,000 tons of wheat. This donation, a part of Ukraine’s humanitarian initiative “Grain from Ukraine,” spearheaded by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, aims to provide emergency food assistance to 1.3 million crisis-affected people.

The announcement comes at a pivotal moment as staple food prices soar in Nigeria, rendering basic meals unaffordable for millions of vulnerable families nationwide.

The collaboration of several nations, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Luxembourg, Norway, the Republic of Korea, and Sweden, has facilitated the transportation of wheat from Ukraine to Nigeria and its distribution to families in dire need.

David Stevenson, WFP Representative and Country Director in Nigeria expressed gratitude, stating, “We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Government of Ukraine, partners, and donors for their unwavering support through the Grain from Ukraine Initiative. This collaborative effort plays a crucial role in alleviating suffering and maintaining human dignity in areas facing conflict and food price increase.”

The wheat donation, integrated into WFP’s ongoing humanitarian operations, will be supplemented with cash and other essentials to sustain crisis-affected individuals for two months.

Cynthia Rowe, British High Commission Development Director, emphasized the significance of aiding vulnerable populations, stating, “The UK is proud to be part of the global community supporting WFP to distribute lifesaving grain across Nigeria, reaching over 600,000 people. This contribution will go some way to addressing rising food insecurity, driven by conflict and regional instability.”

The plight in northeast Nigeria has forced millions to flee their homes, disrupting agriculture and livelihoods. The escalating food prices further exacerbate the situation, with staple prices soaring above pre-harvest levels in recent months.

For instance, in Maiduguri, wholesale prices of red beans have surged by 210 percent compared to the same period last year (February 2023), while maize and sorghum prices increased by 176 percent and 188 percent, respectively.

This vital aid from Ukraine, supported by global collaboration, offers a glimmer of hope amid the challenging circumstances faced by crisis-affected communities in Nigeria. It underscores the importance of international solidarity and swift action in addressing humanitarian crises worldwide.


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