Governor Fubara Open to Resignation for Peace in Rivers State Amid Ongoing Political Crisis


Governor Sim Fubara has reiterated his readiness to step down from his office in a bid to restore peace in Rivers State, amidst the persisting political feud with former Governor Nyesom Wike, currently serving as the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

Despite interventions, including one by President Bola Tinubu, the standoff continues. In an interview with AIT, Governor Fubara stated, “No sacrifice will be too big for me to pay for the success of this administration. The reason is very simple: it is not political love. It is not because I want to gain any favour from anybody.

My interest and love for our dear state are genuine.” He emphasized his concern for the millions of Rivers people, fearing their aspirations may be thwarted. Governor Fubara clarified that if stepping down would foster peace, he’s prepared to do so, emphasizing it’s about the state’s well-being, not personal interests. He highlighted the importance of mature leadership, expressing restraint despite having the power to escalate tensions.

“I am the governor. No matter what it is, there are things I could have done, and there would have been a total crisis, but the ability to restrain in the face of crisis when you have the power to do things is maturity,” he added.


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