Court of Appeal Affirms Julius Abure as Labour Party Chairman


In a decisive ruling, the Court of Appeal in Abuja has upheld Julius Abure’s position as the Chairman of the Labour Party (LP), marking the culmination of a prolonged legal dispute against Lamidi Apapa’s claim to the leadership.

The judicial pronouncement serves as a resolute conclusion to the protracted legal wrangle that has engulfed the Labour Party’s leadership. Julius Abure’s tenure as Chairman faced significant challenge from Lamidi Apapa, who contested the legitimacy of Abure’s claim to the party’s chairmanship. The Court of Appeal’s affirmation solidifies Abure’s position, underscoring the legal validity of his leadership within the LP.

In response to the court’s ruling, Julius Abure expressed his satisfaction, stating, “I am grateful for the court’s decision, which reaffirms the trust placed in me by the members of the Labour Party. This victory represents not only a legal vindication but also a validation of the democratic processes within our party.”

Conversely, Lamidi Apapa, who contested Abure’s chairmanship, declined to comment on the court’s decision, maintaining a stance of reserved acceptance.

With the legal battle now settled, Julius Abure can steer the Labour Party with renewed focus and confidence. The Court of Appeal’s affirmation provides a stable foundation for the party’s leadership, offering a clear path forward amidst internal challenges.

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